Another Price Hike For Sellers In Real Estate – More To Come

The summer is here and sellers will be warming to the fact that July has seen another spike in house price levels across West Vancouver and Greater Vancouver in general. Yes, once again house prices have peaked, giving homeowners in West Vancouver an opportunity to make hay while the sun is shining on the real estate market.

In the month of June 2014, house prices across Greater Vancouver rose by 6.2 percent year on year. Furthermore, these figures are calculated by leaving out some of the more expensive mansions priced up in West Vancouver. So if one were to include the high-end luxury homes in the equation that figure might even be higher still.

The burning question for sellers is – has the latest bubble in the housing market reached its zenith and will we see a burst in the very near future? Is this summer a good time to sell and relocate or should a seller be holding on and wait it out to see what the market does?

The real issue with the real estate market in West Vancouver is that is does not follow the same trend as the rest of Canada. Index prices for West Vancouver detached homes has reached just over $2 million, that’s double the amount of index prices from the less opulent North Vancouver district.

It’s also worth noting that West Vancouver and British Columbia as a whole has benefited from the influx of immigration from around the world, particular Asia. It has boosted an already-vibrant economy and helped to bolster the housing market. Investors from China have helped to push up the price of luxury real estate in a way never seen before. You have to understand there’s something of a revolution in China and its economy and back in the 20th century making money behind the bamboo curtain was something exclusive only to a few Communist Party bigwigs. Now such an opportunity to become wealthy in the world’s most populous country has become easier for millions more. Much of this wealth is used on buying luxury real estate in places like California, Florida and West Vancouver.

The future is very bright is we rely on the investment of Chinese and Asian property investors and all that comes despite the tightening controls implemented by both Canadian and Chinese authorities implemented to stem to rising tide of overseas investment in Canada (and the United States) as a whole.

Calgary Real Estate Market Expected To Get A Boost In 2011

While its true that the Canadian housing market didnt crash like the market did below the border, markets across the nation have not been completely unscathed over the last year either. The real estate prices in Calgary in 2010 were the lowest this area has seen in a decade but it appears that the market will see a significant rebound this year, according to the Conference Board of Canada.

The Calgary market was certainly quite affected in 2010 with fewer homes of all kinds being sold overall and home prices sitting at less than stellar levels. So far this year, the market seems to be on an upward trend and will continue that way, according to the experts.

There are many factors that will surely have an effect on real estate in the Calgary area this year including: the strong Canadian dollar in comparison to the US dollar, the new rules that will soon be in place regarding Canadian mortgages, and the strong price of crude oil.

While a strong Canadian dollar always seems like a good thing, the reality is that when our dollar is strong compared to the US dollar, there are fewer Americans investing in Canadian goods. A more even ratio of value between the USD and CAD could suppress real estate sales preventing us from further economic recovery.
The new Canadian mortgage rules arent anticipated to help or hinder growth in the long run, but it reasonable to assume that some home owners will push to buy homes before the changes go into effect.
The price of crude oil has the potential to be an influential factor in how the Alberta housing market performs this year as the higher price tends to result in increased production in the oil sands. Higher production results in more jobs and more money in the province for real estate purchases. The addition of unrest around the Suez Canal this quarter, adding uncertainty to shipping through the area, may also help increase the attractiveness of Alberta oil sand crude.

The current affordability and low interest rates will help to boost housing sales and eventually support higher prices as the demand grows. It is anticipated that home sales will increase by almost 20% in 2011, with prices of Calgary homes for sale increasing by about 4% for single family dwellings. In comparison, the number of condo sales are expected to rise by over 15% with a price increase of around 2%.

Emergis Capital Group Launches Aspire Panama Real Estate Service For High Net Worth Individuals.

Emergis Capital Group launches Aspire Panama Real Estate Service for High Net Worth Individuals.

Panama, Rep. of Panama, Aug. 4th, 2008 Emergis Capital Group, a financial and real estate services firm based in Panama City, launched Aspire Panama Real Estate service. The service is geared towards owners and purchasers of high-end, luxury real estate properties in beachside and mountainside resort towns in Panama. The service is part of Emergis Capital Groups Real Estate Practice and complements other services that the company offers to high-net- worth individuals including Corporate Finance and Advisory services to majority stockholders and board members of companies in Latin America.

The properties showcased by the Aspire service are added to the Emergis database after close consultation with the property owners. A consultative approach is taken towards the sale and purchase of high end real estate in Panama. The service was created by Emergis as this market niche is underserved by traditional real estate brokers in Panama. Many traditional real estate companies in Panama are not professional, their brokers do not speak English and they do not provide value added services. The Aspire service is all about providing the customer with peace of mind that their real estate transaction will be handled professionally. An Aspire representative will handle all of the legal, title and insurance related transactions through its partnerships with service providers in Panama. Additionally, if the purchaser of the property is from the United States, Canada or the United Kingdom, Aspire will facilitate the financing of the property at attractive terms that allow the borrower to make payments in their home country.

Emergis has direct contact with top luxury real estate developers in Panama and can negotiate on behalf of its customers to obtain the best terms on a property purchase. Aspire also maintains a database of interested buyers of luxury high end Panama real estate that it can effectively shop its unique property offerings to.

Panama is a growing market for retirees and people from overseas purchasing a second or vacation home. Emergis seeks to serve the needs of finding and financing that perfect residence for this market through its Aspire service.